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Managing Change

Managing Change

Change is essential in maintaining the success of a business and individual, however not everyone is receptive to change. This is due to a number of factors, including life experience and whether change has been a positive or negative experience in the past.

Managing change effectively can result in a business initiative being implemented successfully and embraced by the workforce, versus having an initiative fail to take off or worse be derailed!

Tips on managing change effectively include:

  • communicating as soon as practicable to all impacted regarding the proposed change,
  • communicating via a variety of channels to increase your impact – everyone processes information in different ways, hence utilising different communication channels assists this, for example: emails, face to face, individual catch ups, social media, team meetings, and video clips,
  • tailoring your message to your audience – think of who the audience is and how they best receive information,
  • asking for feedback and input – people whom have the opportunity to input into an initiative are more likely to actively support the change,
  • seeking early adopters, these are individuals whom are most likely to support new ideas, they are typically supportive of new and improved ways of doing things hence by engaging them early on in the change cycle they are more likely to increase your ability to bring others along side them creating further support for the new change,
  • addressing concerns early on and
  • transparency –  be open about the end goal in what you are aiming to achieve by introducing the changed way of working etc.

For further information and advice on how to manage change effectively, please contact eva@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

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