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Jobs of the future

Jobs of the future

Having recently attended a workplace currently in the process of transitioning to automation it struck me that never has the need to remain abreast of industry changes been more paramount if one is to stay current in the workplace.

For employers, it poses two questions – how does an organisation continue to attract employees to an organisation facing automation and secondly how do employers maintain and motivate workers during the period of transition? A time when employees themselves see that the roles they currently occupy may in the not so distant future exist.

For employers, now is the time so start planning for the transition by:

  • Creating a high-calibre process during the recruitment phase, make it a standout to really solicit candidates. Remember you have to really sell the journey and support to the individual
  • Developing a clearly defined pathway and development plan for newcomers to the organisation, demonstrating the transition. If there is a clear vision for the employee with stability, they will be more inclined to continue on the journey
  • Ensuring regular catch-ups are arranged with the employee and a mentor to ensure they are motivated and content in their role and their career pathway is being monitored effectively
  • Conducting a skills gap analysis and make provisions for training opportunities to assist advancement of their career within the organisation and the employees position, keeping them interested and refreshed
  • Seeking alliances with industry groups and training organisations such as TAFE and universities
  • Encouraging employees to undertake online part-time courses to build on their soft skills; frontline management, negotiation, leadership and/or IT skills, whilst still continuing to work
  • Utilising social media platforms; LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. to remain abreast of changes and understand what other organisation’s are implementing.

If employees know that you are invested in them and making efforts to facilitate their career pathway there will be a much greater inclination to stay with the organisation, thus improving retention overall.

Diversity in the workplace – a conundrum or a reality!!

Diversity in the workplace – a conundrum or a reality!!

“Australia’s population grew by 1.4% during the year ended 30 June 2016; of this, natural increase contributed 46.1% whilst overseas migration contributed 53.9% respectively to total population growth for the year ended 30 June 2016. ” ( ABS, June 2016).

Given these demographics, organisations will be need to utilise a diverse workforce to optimise employment opportunities as we head into the future.

To foster a more diverse organisation, please refer to the suggestions below:

  • Develop a hiring strategy to increase workforce diversity,
  • Explore and extend your talent searching opportunities to capture candidates from a more diverse background pool,
  • From the outset, create a captivating job advert, which is culturally sensitive and attracts candidates to a highly diverse organisation,
  • Be willing to invest time in recruiting candidates from Non-English speaking backgrounds,
  • Put measures in place to ensure a skilled older workforce is working alongside unskilled employees to obtain that knowledge and make provisions for knowledge to be retained within the organisation,
  • Develop retention strategies for the older workforce to try retain them for as long as possible within the organisation,
  • Develop succession planning to ensure employees are afforded opportunities to be promoted and developed which will assist with retention,
  • Develop an employee referral scheme to attract candidates,
  • Provide diversity training in your workplace and
  • Offer other benefits such as willingness to accommodate cultural and religious practices.

Through the nurturing of diversity, organisations will be better equipped to deal with the challenges faced, retaining a skilled and effective workforce on and into the future.

For further information on fostering diversity, please contact Eva and the team at Nurture HR Consulting.

What makes a good Resume?

What makes a good Resume?

Being able to write a “Masterpiece of a Resume” can be a gruelling task, knowing what to write, how to make it stand out, let alone typing it up when computer skills may not be your specialty.
Rest assured, there are ways around making the task less of an effort and more of a challenge. Remember this could be the key to getting the perfect job! So what makes a good Resume?
The following tips and tricks are some quick wins to creating your, “Masterpiece” and catching the attention of your prospective employer.

  • Your Resume should be no more than 3 pages long. Give the reader the lasting effect to pick up the telephone and discuss your Resume further.
  • Capture the reader’s attention by ensuring the content is at a high level. Make it easy for them to understand, highlighting, such things as: who you are, where you have worked and a short introduction on what the company does.
  • Keep the layout simple. Overcomplicating the Resume with fancy fonts and special effects can make it look busy and be the difference between a call back or not. Stick to a simple layout with fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri, with size 12 font. Bolding headings may be necessary, particularly for: company names, key dates and heading of sections throughout the Resume, for e.g., Personal Information, Education, Work Experience, etc.
  • Jobs and education should be in reverse chronological order. Too much detail about earlier positions in your career are not relevant. Focus on the most recent and relevant.
  • Be sure to make reference to any degrees or licences you have acquired in the education section and any advanced training that may be relevant.
  • Use short, concise sentences and bullet point them to show emphasis. Longwinded sentences may stop the reader, reading on! Use verbs to highlight job responsibilities, such as; managed, developed, implemented, initiated. Impress the reader by selecting your most poignant and relevant jobs you have held.
  • Any achievements or awards or personal affiliations that may be relevant should be included.
  • Don’t waffle about personal interests. Keep them short and concise and only mention if relevant. If mentioning them serves no benefit, then leave it out!
  • References should be listed at the bottom of the Resume as, “References available upon request”. Should the prospective employer acquire them, they will ask for them?
Effective Recruitment Top 10 Tips!

Effective Recruitment Top 10 Tips!

Effective recruitment is the backbone to any successful business, too often though we don’t take the time to recruit effectively resulting in disappointment and poor hires! To help you improve your recruiting, please read below the top 10 tips on effective recruitment.

  1. Review the role you are hiring for i.e. make sure you have identifed the key duties and attributes required from the role
  2. Be clear in your advertisement about the requirements, skills and qualifications needed for the role to effectively carry out the duties you have previously identified
  3. Draft and review your advertisement to ensure it features the key duties, qualifications, skills and attributes. Also provide a brief overview of your organisation and its location to ensure you are attracting candidates that meet your selection criteria
  4. Create a shortlist of suitable candidates by assessing each candiate based on your selection criteria
  5. Organise interviews and provide candidates with at least 48 hours notice of the interview
  6. Prepare for the interview. Develop your questions prior to the interview based on the duties and requirements of the role
  7. Remember the interview is a two way forum – it provides an opportunity for you as an employer to gather information about a candidate whilst it provides a forum for candidates to gather information about you and your business!
  8. Undertake reference checks
  9. Make offers promptly – don’t waste time!
  10. Support new employees with an induction programme to assist them in getting up to speed with your business as quickly as possible to maximise productivity and reduce costs!

For further information on effective recruiting please contact eva@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

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