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Managing Performance!

Managing Performance!

Why is it that managing performance is so difficult?
For many of us, managing performance (both high and low) is a timely and often emotionally charged activity in our day to day working lives. It is because of this, that it is often placed towards the bottom of our to do list! The result:
• frustration that it remains on our to do list,
• feelings of loss of control of the situation,
• further decline in the performance of poor performers and
• for high performers whom are overlooked, it results in a disconnect from our business which can result in high performers seeking career opportunities elsewhere!

So how can you make it easier?
1. Establish the real issue that is concerning you; for example is it timeliness, the need to improve an individual’s capability across certain tasks or is it taking the time to thank a hard working employee and encourage them to take on more challenging tasks or roles?
2. Prepare for your conversation by briefly making notes on what it is you want to raise and remember stick to the facts. Now add in questions to ask the individual for their response, that way you can understand what is or isn’t driving the behaviour of the individual. Also understand your own emotions, to prevent your emotions from getting the better of you during the performance meeting!
3. Make a time to talk to the individual and stick to it no matter what, nothing sends a signal that the matter isn’t important than a meeting that needs to be rescheduled!
4. Rehearse the conversation and think of any questions or concerns the individual may raise, think about how you would like to tackle these so that you are prepared.
5. Have the conversation and remember to be confident, listen to what the individual has to say and document the key points. Set goals and timeframes for the goals to be achieved.
6.Determine a time to review progress made and to determine next steps.

For further information on managing performance please email eva@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

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