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Jobs of the future

Jobs of the future

Having recently attended a workplace currently in the process of transitioning to automation it struck me that never has the need to remain abreast of industry changes been more paramount if one is to stay current in the workplace.

For employers, it poses two questions – how does an organisation continue to attract employees to an organisation facing automation and secondly how do employers maintain and motivate workers during the period of transition? A time when employees themselves see that the roles they currently occupy may in the not so distant future exist.

For employers, now is the time so start planning for the transition by:

  • Creating a high-calibre process during the recruitment phase, make it a standout to really solicit candidates. Remember you have to really sell the journey and support to the individual
  • Developing a clearly defined pathway and development plan for newcomers to the organisation, demonstrating the transition. If there is a clear vision for the employee with stability, they will be more inclined to continue on the journey
  • Ensuring regular catch-ups are arranged with the employee and a mentor to ensure they are motivated and content in their role and their career pathway is being monitored effectively
  • Conducting a skills gap analysis and make provisions for training opportunities to assist advancement of their career within the organisation and the employees position, keeping them interested and refreshed
  • Seeking alliances with industry groups and training organisations such as TAFE and universities
  • Encouraging employees to undertake online part-time courses to build on their soft skills; frontline management, negotiation, leadership and/or IT skills, whilst still continuing to work
  • Utilising social media platforms; LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc. to remain abreast of changes and understand what other organisation’s are implementing.

If employees know that you are invested in them and making efforts to facilitate their career pathway there will be a much greater inclination to stay with the organisation, thus improving retention overall.

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