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Personality and Workplaces

Personality and Workplaces

“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances. If there is any reaction, both are transformed.” – Carl Jung

The Grandfather of personality psychology, Gordon Allport, saw personality through an ideographical approach- he viewed the individual uniqueness and experience. Allport concluded, that personality traits are innate neuropsychological properties, initiating individuals to act in a meaningful consistent way across time and situation (Sollod et al., 2012 pp. 2).

Carl Jung furthered the study of personality and referred to it as the predispositions to behave in a certain manner. Consequently, personality across the board is unique to the individual.

Personality within organisations make work interesting and conversely at times, challenging. That is why within business you need to be aware of its advantages but also attentive to its impacts on individual performance and team cohesiveness and the relationships and follow through with clients.

Listed below are some advantages and disadvantages to be aware of when uniting personalities within workplaces:


  • Some personalities mix well with others and allow for greater success.
  • Great leaders are approachable, understanding and adaptable to others personalities.
  • Research suggests that individual personalities within teams can influence team dynamics
  • Individuals need to understand the power of the situation and its role on different personalities.
  • Personalities working together can increase creative thinking
  • Different personalities can motivate one another


  • Often first impressions are subjective to the situation (i.e. first time meeting co-workers is nerve racking) and may force a false judgement.

Different personalities vary in productiveness, attention to detail, ability to commit to projects, motivation etc. Hence, it is worth understanding personalities to better organise teams.

For more information on personality within workplaces please contact eva@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

Reference: Sollod, R., Monte, C., & Boag,S.(2012). Beneath the mask. Milton, Qld: John Wiley & Sons Australia.


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