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Effective Recruitment Top 10 Tips!

Effective Recruitment Top 10 Tips!

Effective recruitment is the backbone to any successful business, too often though we don’t take the time to recruit effectively resulting in disappointment and poor hires! To help you improve your recruiting, please read below the top 10 tips on effective recruitment.

  1. Review the role you are hiring for i.e. make sure you have identifed the key duties and attributes required from the role
  2. Be clear in your advertisement about the requirements, skills and qualifications needed for the role to effectively carry out the duties you have previously identified
  3. Draft and review your advertisement to ensure it features the key duties, qualifications, skills and attributes. Also provide a brief overview of your organisation and its location to ensure you are attracting candidates that meet your selection criteria
  4. Create a shortlist of suitable candidates by assessing each candiate based on your selection criteria
  5. Organise interviews and provide candidates with at least 48 hours notice of the interview
  6. Prepare for the interview. Develop your questions prior to the interview based on the duties and requirements of the role
  7. Remember the interview is a two way forum – it provides an opportunity for you as an employer to gather information about a candidate whilst it provides a forum for candidates to gather information about you and your business!
  8. Undertake reference checks
  9. Make offers promptly – don’t waste time!
  10. Support new employees with an induction programme to assist them in getting up to speed with your business as quickly as possible to maximise productivity and reduce costs!

For further information on effective recruiting please contact eva@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

Managing Change

Managing Change

Change is essential in maintaining the success of a business and individual, however not everyone is receptive to change. This is due to a number of factors, including life experience and whether change has been a positive or negative experience in the past.

Managing change effectively can result in a business initiative being implemented successfully and embraced by the workforce, versus having an initiative fail to take off or worse be derailed!

Tips on managing change effectively include:

  • communicating as soon as practicable to all impacted regarding the proposed change,
  • communicating via a variety of channels to increase your impact – everyone processes information in different ways, hence utilising different communication channels assists this, for example: emails, face to face, individual catch ups, social media, team meetings, and video clips,
  • tailoring your message to your audience – think of who the audience is and how they best receive information,
  • asking for feedback and input – people whom have the opportunity to input into an initiative are more likely to actively support the change,
  • seeking early adopters, these are individuals whom are most likely to support new ideas, they are typically supportive of new and improved ways of doing things hence by engaging them early on in the change cycle they are more likely to increase your ability to bring others along side them creating further support for the new change,
  • addressing concerns early on and
  • transparency –  be open about the end goal in what you are aiming to achieve by introducing the changed way of working etc.

For further information and advice on how to manage change effectively, please contact eva@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

Reward & Recognition

Reward & Recognition

I am often asked what is the best way to reward employees?
Reward and recognition is something that means different things to each of us, based on our own values and stages in life. Due to this, there is never a simple answer, rather I recommend you consider the following in determining the best way to reward your employees:

What does the individual value most e.g. financial or non financial reward or in turn public recognition versus a simple thank you?

The following examples, demonstrate different types of reward based on our values and stages of life for example:

* Employee A is currently undertaking further education, hence they may place more value on time off to enable them to study
* Employee B may value financial reward, as they have recently purchased their first home
* Employee C may value flexibility in the way they can work, due to family or caring commitments
* Employee D places value on being recognised by other team members for the great work they’ve accomplished
* Employee E does not like a fuss, however likes to be acknowledged by their manager when they have completed their work to a superior standard

Once you understand what your employees value, you are better equipped to determine the best way to reward your employees on a case by case basis.

For more information on reward and recognition please contact eva@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

Effective Structures

Effective Structures

What makes an effective structure?
Structuring your business is something we don’t always give enough time to, due to competing demands. However, successful business requires a structure that will facilitate your day to day operations.

Follow the tips below on organising the structure of your business:
1. Firstly consider the key functions you need to cover
2. Consider the functions you would like to cover or grow into over the next 1-2 years
3. Determine any gaps between your current functions and the functions you foresee
4. Identify the roles needed to support each of these key functions
5. Consider the talent you have within your business and which individuals are most suited to which position within each function
6. Now make the hard decisions about moving individuals to best meet your organisations needs!

Managing Performance!

Managing Performance!

Why is it that managing performance is so difficult?
For many of us, managing performance (both high and low) is a timely and often emotionally charged activity in our day to day working lives. It is because of this, that it is often placed towards the bottom of our to do list! The result:
• frustration that it remains on our to do list,
• feelings of loss of control of the situation,
• further decline in the performance of poor performers and
• for high performers whom are overlooked, it results in a disconnect from our business which can result in high performers seeking career opportunities elsewhere!

So how can you make it easier?
1. Establish the real issue that is concerning you; for example is it timeliness, the need to improve an individual’s capability across certain tasks or is it taking the time to thank a hard working employee and encourage them to take on more challenging tasks or roles?
2. Prepare for your conversation by briefly making notes on what it is you want to raise and remember stick to the facts. Now add in questions to ask the individual for their response, that way you can understand what is or isn’t driving the behaviour of the individual. Also understand your own emotions, to prevent your emotions from getting the better of you during the performance meeting!
3. Make a time to talk to the individual and stick to it no matter what, nothing sends a signal that the matter isn’t important than a meeting that needs to be rescheduled!
4. Rehearse the conversation and think of any questions or concerns the individual may raise, think about how you would like to tackle these so that you are prepared.
5. Have the conversation and remember to be confident, listen to what the individual has to say and document the key points. Set goals and timeframes for the goals to be achieved.
6.Determine a time to review progress made and to determine next steps.

For further information on managing performance please email eva@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

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