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Success through coaching. Become a coaching driven organisation!

Success through coaching. Become a coaching driven organisation!

Adopting a coaching culture can improve performance, enhance retention and enable success and greater outputs for all involved.

Make your organisation a coaching a culture today.  ASK YOURSELF?

>> What are the benefits to becoming a coaching culture?

  • Builds new skills faster and facilitates pride and confidence in one’s work
  • Fosters trust with line managers and insights a belief in them that the organisation values them
  • Staff become more motivated and accompanying work is of increased quality and efficiency
  • Induces a knock-on effect, staff begin to coach each other
  • Encourages increased learning, team bonding and efficiencies
  • Better buy-in and acceptance from staff on organisation’s vision

>> How your organisation can adopt a coaching culture?

  • Start a conversation with your staff
  • Identify, select and develop internal and / or external coaches
  • Develop a framework on coaching
  • Upskill leaders to coach their staff
  • Be consistent and continual in measuring and evaluating its impact
  • Develop strong communications both verbally and digitally to engage staff

For more information around becoming a coaching driven organisation for the future, please contact one of our team members at Nurture HR Consulting by emailing info@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

Driving success through learning agility

Driving success through learning agility

Learning Agility provides an organisation and its workforce with the ability to adapt and respond positively to change.

Being a Learning Agile focused organisation according to studies carried out by Korn Ferry (2012) has proven to be highly beneficial and directly linked to organisational success.

Agility refers to how one thinks, problem solves and how people relate with each other on a day to day basis in the workplace. This may be likened to the recent performance by Australia’s very own Socceroos, indicative of how Learning Agility has been adopted into team and game strategies.

After a long drought of heavy losses experienced by the Socceroos pre-2010, the team’s evolution and Learning Agility has seen them playing better than ever with more consistent wins and competing in this year’s World Cup 2018 tournament even recently drawing with Denmark!

This steady path of improvement for the Australian Soccer team may be attributed to the adoption of a Learning Agile approach through, adaptation, problem solving and applying themselves to the changing conditions. Having truly agile individuals who can easily adapt to unpredictable working situations will enable an organisation to respond swiftly and positively to change.

Cultivating a culture of Learning Agility may be adopted in the following ways:

1. Establish an ongoing forum for all employees to understand about Learning Agility and how it will benefit them and their organisation for the future

2. Build Learning Agility into day to day working to increase buy-in, enhance knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the concept

3. Develop communications around Learning Agility to really drive it across the organisation and encourage continuous conversations about Learning Agility and its benefit

Fostering a healthy workplace

Fostering a healthy workplace

As we say goodbye to the Winter Olympics we can reflect on those elite sports men and women who performed in such awe-inspiring events. In our lifetime most of us will only dream about being able to attempt such mind-blowing activities.

In our own lives though, many of us know the benefits of exercise and sport. Those benefits can not only be incredible in our day to day living but, in the workplace; – increasing productivity, boosting morale, driving engagement and enhancing the working relationships for individuals and teams.

So how can employers encourage a movement for employees to encourage them to become more active without seeming overzealous! Please refer to below for some ideas on how to facilitate a healthy workforce:

For more information on increasing employee wellbeing please contact the team at Nurture HR Consulting on info@nurturehrconsulting.com.au

Driving Inclusiveness and Diversity

Driving Inclusiveness and Diversity

The recent NRL grand final saw American Hip Hop artist “Macklemore” raising more than the roof at ANZ stadium performing his pro same sex song “Same Love”. Macklemore’s outstanding and explosive performance highlighted the relevance of equality, inclusiveness and diversity for all people countrywide. Unfortunately, it also demonstrated how some prominent Australian’s still fail to accept and include others via their comments regarding this performance.

This may be likened to the workplace and the need for an inclusive and diverse workforce and for this to be championed by an organisation’s leaders. Without sufficient leaders to drive an inclusive and diverse organisation, the culture will not:

  • support diversity,
  • enable employees to thrive and progress or
  • attract and retain top talent.

So what can leaders do to support equality and drive an inclusive and diverse organisation?

For further information on driving diversity and inclusion at your workplace please contact a member of our team via our website www.nurturehrconsulting.com.au

Are we valuing part time employment?

Are we valuing part time employment?

For many of us balancing work and family is part of our daily ritual, however as a society we haven’t fully embraced the value that part time work affords us; either as an employer or more widely as a community. Currently 24.8% of working males work part time, whilst 54.3% of working females are working part time (ABS, May 2016).

As a society, part time work is still viewed by many as being predominately for primary carer’s, however research and experience demonstrates that part time employment has a much higher value. As detailed below part time employment can provide;

  • Operational flexibility for employers
  • Flexibility for the employee to balance financial and personal requirements
  • Higher workplace productivity
  • The time for enriched life experiences
  • Reduced stress levels
  • The ability to contribute to community through increased time to volunteer
  • The option to care for family members
  • The ability for older workers transition to retirement

With a tight labour market, economic pressures and an aging population facing employers, part time work needs to be actively pursued by employers as more and more individuals are seeking the ability to better balance their home / working lives and or transition their working hours.

So how can employers do this?

  • Actively promoting the option to work part time regardless of family commitments or gender
  • To offer part time employees the same career opportunities and competitive remuneration
  • Having senior members of your organisation taking up part time work to drive the culture that part time work is valued
  • Sharing the stories of individuals working part time in your organisation and what it means for their personal wellbeing

For further information on embedding part time work within your organisation please contact the team at Nurture HR Consulting www.nurturehrconsulting.com.au

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